2021 Impact Report
Last year, many Franklin County families, businesses and organizations continued to be significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While pandemic-related challenges were felt across the waste stream in the form of labor shortages and more landfill materials to manage, SWACO’s financial stewardship and innovative public-private partnerships allowed us to maintain some of the lowest disposal fees in Central Ohio. This helped us keep costs down for businesses and residents even as our operations grew and our community reached record levels of reuse, recycling and composting.
SWACO’s 2021 Community Impact Report provides insights into disposal trends at the landfill, and collaborations with schools, non-profits, local governments and other organizations to improve recycling and increase food waste diversion opportunities, highlighting new and exciting projects on tap for 2022 and beyond.
Central Ohio has a lot to celebrate. Our diversion rate rose to 51%, which means our community relied less on the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill and more on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting last year. As a result, the landfill continues to have capacity beyond 40 years to meet the needs of a growing population. This success can certainly be attributed to the value our community places on both environmental stewardship and collaboration. Examples of this played out across central Ohio many times over the last year.
Our community has long excelled at working together to rise to challenges we face, and we’re equally excited to celebrate many non-pandemic related collaborations:
Yet, even with those strategic partnerships in place, our community still relied on the county landfill. SWACO handled an additional 45,000 tons of material – a 4% increase over 2020. Today, more than 75% of the material sent to the landfill in our community has the potential to be diverted either through existing or new programs and infrastructure.
Not only is diversion good for our environment, but Central Ohio businesses also use those materials to make new products, many of which are sold right here in Ohio. Over the past year, SWACO has heard from a number of businesses who have shared that their operations require even more of those materials. That’s one of the reasons we’ve initiated several strategic projects aimed at creating the right infrastructure to get more of these materials flowing through our economy. This year, we will continue our collaborative efforts with Central Ohio communities to select a private sector partner with which to build and operate a new public-private material recovery facility that accommodates the expanded recycling needs of our growing community for the benefit of the environment and the economy.
Similarly, anticipating the impending expiration of contracts SWACO has for residential yard waste acceptance and processing, as well as a growing demand from communities and residents for expanded convenient organics recycling, SWACO is working to develop a more comprehensive organics processing program which will include the necessary infrastructure and new technologies.
Both of these projects will help area businesses expand opportunities to support their Environmental Sustainability Goals (ESG), attract new and emerging technologies to be co-located in our Region that leverage the waste stream and yield benefits for residents and families who want to be able to recycle and compost more, and have access to thousands of additional well-paying manufacturing and technology jobs.
Thank you for checking out the 2021 Community Impact Report. We couldn’t do any of this without your support.
Sustainably yours,
Susan Tilgner, Chair
SWACO Board of Trustees
Susan Tilgner, Chair
Kenneth Wilson, Vice Chair
Honorable Erica Crawley
Patrick King
Brian Will
Niki Lemin
Kathy Owens
Jennifer Gallagher
Ron Grossman
Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio
4239 London Groveport Road
Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-871-5100
Email: info@swaco.org